Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Applied Art, Painting, Textile Design, Interior Design


BFA in Relevant Stream

Course Details

The Master of Fine Arts (MFA) is a two-year specialised postgraduate programme that covers Applied Arts, Painting, Fine Arts, Sculpture, Visual Communication, Visual art, Ceramics, and other areas of Aesthetic Arts. 

The course is of two-year duration (usually divided into four semesters) and most of the colleges or universities offer the course with a specialisation. Candidates have the opportunity to learn about fascinating topics including graphic design, interior design, oil painting, sketching, drawing, and illustration, ceramics, sculpture, and woodcarving. This course is a great fit for you if you have an artistic mind and heart and enjoy using colour and art. Commercial art, theatre, television, animation, exhibition design, etc., are important employment domains.

Arts is a creative field that improves the educational process of a candidate and makes his mind sharp. The fine arts also assist students in ways that are not directly related to their academic performance, such as by enhancing their sense of self-worth, ambition, aesthetic awareness, cultural engagement, creativity, improved feelings, and respect of variety and social harmony. Fine Art has the power to inspire many people by igniting their emotions and creativity, which is another reason why it is crucial to value the arts. If you're an artist yourself, looking at other people's artwork can inspire you to create something new. You can take what you love about other styles and combine it with what you learn from others to create your own work. The graduates of this course can find employment in a number of fields and work at various positions.